Welcome to PMI
PMI is a sales performance consulting and training organization that delivers customized solutions to industry‑leading companies worldwide.
Change is constant in today’s business environment:
- Rising customer expectations
- Declining customer loyalty
- Fierce competition
- Increasing cost-of-sales
- Shrinking profit margins
All surrounded by an increasing demand for value differentiation and consistent sales execution and performance.
This is the world of PMI’s team of accomplished consultants, experienced in senior management, sales, account management, marketing and professional services.
How can today’s organizations balance the short-term requirement to generate revenue and profits with the long-term expectations of their customers for greater levels of resources, expertise and value creation?
Does your customer understand the value that you and your organization bring to their business, or are you just another vendor, with just another product,in real danger of being commoditized?
How comfortable are you at articulating your unique,
differentiable value to your customer?
When your organization engages with your customer, are you aligned internallyand able to present consistent messaging and strategy, or does your customer sometimes feel as though you and your colleagues engage with them as if you all worked for different companies?Do you understand your customer’s business well enough to align with their drivers,objectives and challenges?RELATIONSHIPS
Does your customer do business with you because you are convenient to them, important to them, necessary to them or essential to their business?If asked, would they describe their relationship with you as just another vendor, a supplier they prefer, a partner they plan with
or a trusted advisor to their business?
When you win new business and complete a new sale with your customer, do you have specific plans to expand your relationship with them, strengthen your alignment with them and ultimately create and co-create more value with them?Is your plan to grow with your customer in sync with how your customer plans
to grow with their customers?
PMI Sales Performance Solutions
To be successful in today’s challenging B2B selling environment, you can’t rely on dated approaches that were developed in the last millennium. Buying has changed significantly, and today’s salespeople and account managers must be equipped with innovative new sales approaches in order to be successful.
PMI sales performance solutions are:
- Contemporary, integrated and built upon a proven customer engagement model
- Customizable to fit the uniqueness of your business, vs. standard “out-of-the-box”
- Based on understanding how your customers define value and what matters most to them
- Designed to equip and enable you to Engage/Win/Grow™ effectively with your customers
Approach to Client Engagements
PMI’s approach to client engagements is different from that of most sales training companies. We believe that in order to receive the value you expect from your sales performance partner, the solution that you select and implement must fit your business, be usable by your salespeople and coachable by your managers.
PMI client engagements include:
- Sales, account management, and sales management effectiveness discovery and assessment
- Customized sales performance solution design, development and integration with existing methodologies
- Solution training and deployment in team-based workshops with real accounts and opportunities
- Sales performance solution coaching, reinforcement and sustainability to drive adoption and implementation
Performance Methods has established a strong track record of delivering results to our clients.
Regardless of their unique needs and specific requirements, PMI has successfully implemented our sales performance solutions with global leaders in a variety of different markets.
Steve Andersen & Dave Stein
12 Proven Strategies for a Customer-Driven World
Buying has changed dramatically over the past 10 years, but sales hasn’t kept up.
It took Steve Andersen and Dave Stein two years to write Beyond the Sales Process: 12 Proven Strategies for a Customer-Driven World.
By going inside industry-leading companies and interviewing some of their most successful salespeople and account managers – and their customers, the authors offer a proven approach that spans the entire customer relationship… before, during, and after the sale. Today’s customers value relationships based on transparency, credibility, authenticity, and trust, and their feedback provides a compelling case for stronger alignment, collaboration, innovation, and mutual value creation in this exciting new era of customer engagement.
Visit beyondthesalesprocess.com to learn more, check out the blog, and register for the newsletter.
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